This is my completed White Miette cardigan – once again the Miette cardigan pattern from the ever fabulous Andi Satterlund.
It was amazing to see how much I’ve learned since my first “proper” knitting project – my blue Miette cardigan. I spent so many hours the first time around just staring at the pattern, trying to figure out how on earth this was going to turn into a cardigan. This time, I just knit it up, nice and easy without straining my brain too much at all. Excitement at my skills:
It was encouraging to see how much I’ve learned!
This is a lovely cardigan to wear – it’s a gorgeous silk alpaca blend that I just want to rub my face in all day. Plus, the colour goes with pretty much every dress I own. Winning!
I added one extra repeat at the bottom of the body – adding about an extra 2″. I like the slightly longer length better than my first version.
I did have one minor hiccough though.
When I knit, I highlight the pattern as I go instead of crossing things out. I find it easier when the pattern makes me go back and knit bits I’ve already done once before.
Unfortunately, this means there’s a highlighter in my knitting bag.
Unfortunately, this highlighter became uncapped and left a big green splotch on the back of my cardigan.
You can sort of see it. Don’t judge me.
Frogging it back would have involved undoing most of the cardigan. I had no interest in that, so I tried to get it out. I gave up when the yarn began felting.
I kind of just decided that it’s not too bad and I can live with it.
Lesson learned. No more highlighters in my knitting bag, especially with light coloured yarn!